The creation of websites in small and medium-sized businesses follows a path that very often involves starting with a do-it-yourself approach , in an attempt to create a free website .
For this reason, some platforms that offer a free version, such as Wix , are often criticized and reviled by industry insiders , citing defects in terms of visibility on search engines, functionality, design, and so on.
We have developed dozens of websites with Wix technology, so much so that we have been selected as Wix Experts within the Wix Arena, and for this reason we want to shed some light on the topic (among other things, the same site you are browsing is made with Wix).
This post is the second in the series on how to create a website , and focuses on why you should use a free platform like Wix , and when it is not right for the job .
When to use Wix
The Wix platform is recommended in the following cases:
When the site is monolingual and there is no need to translate it into multiple versions dedicated to different markets. Why? The answer is found below in the section "When Wix is not recommended".
When you want the freedom to edit every content (not just dynamic content like in Wordpress) of your website. Wix unlike Wordpress or Joomla does not require HTML programming skills , because the editor automatically generates the page code. If you do not want to be tied to a marketing agency for the changes, then Wix is for you.
When you want to start doing e-commerce with a low investment in terms of technology : the Wix shop is complete and has all the basic functions necessary for online sales (catalog management, cart, coupons, product variations, chat, etc.). For e-commerce, however, there is no multilingual management, be careful!
Myths to dispel
When we recommend Wix, with the above considerations, we usually have three main objections, real myths to dispel:
Wix does not index like Wordpress
Wix is not complete in additional features
Wix is actually not free
Here are our thoughts on each point:
Indexing a WIx site
Facts speak louder than words: from our experience , Wix helps small and medium-sized businesses a lot in the indexing process , thanks to advanced SEO management of pages.
Here is an example of SEO optimization we followed on a website created with Wix:

As you can see , in one year the visits have tripled , with a positive trend in constant growth.
Additional features
Wix has an internal app store with thousands of free and paid features that can be integrated with its platform.
Here are some examples (among the most used and requested at the moment):
Pop-up cookies
Integrated chat
Internal search bar
Easy installation of Facebook Pixel and Google Remarketing Tag
Pop-ups and dialog boxes
Contact form
Online survey form
Video Player
and much more...
What can I say... try asking your marketing agency for a quote for any of these activities on a Wordpress or Joomla site.
Wix is not free
The cost of a premium subscription varies based on the features of the website (with or without e-commerce, with video store, etc.) and the payment period (monthly or yearly). It starts from €149 per year excluding domain to have a hosting with higher bandwidth and no advertising on your site.
What can I say, if a company cannot invest this amount of money for its online presence, then the problem is another.
There is, however, a hidden cost that inexperienced users quickly realize: the time it takes to customize a graphic template, write content, and optimize the mobile version of their website.
For this reason , many SMEs turn to marketing agencies like ours to have professional support in creating their own website, while maintaining total freedom in managing the site.
In conclusion
We hope this post has cleared some of your doubts about the Wix platform and you have understood whether to use it or not. If you need more information, comment below and we will help you: