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How to Write Content for Business When You Don't Have Time to Do It

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How to Write Content for Business When You Don't Have Time to Do It

đŸ‘†đŸ» Spoiler : The cover image is created with Canva's AI (With the query "desperate person typing").


Contents are useful

This post is the first of a series of contents that we will develop starting from the most common questions and doubts that emerge in meetings with clients and potential clients. Obviously trying to give some answers đŸ€Ș.

The first theme arises from this complicated equation: "Digital marketing = you need to create textual and visual content".

Editorial calendar? Article? FAQ? E-book? Anything đŸ€Ż?

For most digital marketing strategies you need to write something . And when you ask to write in the company the answer is always the same:

I don't have time!

However, there is still the need to have content. To demonstrate that you are there, for a relational plan, for an SEO attempt. In short, it is necessary!

I'm not going to argue whether the time spent writing content is a cost or an investment (obviously I lean towards the latter), but the fact is that most editorial calendars , lead generation strategies and newsletters get stuck like this:

In the dust of the first content laboriously written that then for years remains there as a testimony that " Yes, we did something, but then I don't remember who took care of it ."

If this has happened to you and you don't have a marketing agency that takes care of writing content for you, here are 4 solutions to generate content for your business without having to write it yourself .

Let's talk about contents related to the informative demand, a very important subspecies of the conscious demand.

The premise is that our approach is "minimum expense, maximum return" so if you are picky about battle strategies stop here.

How to identify themes

So, if you don't know where to start, here are the most popular ways to do it:

  1. Enter one or more keywords in Answer The Public and read the questions that people write about the topic in Google. A little old school, a little that they are the questions that everyone works on, but also a little functional and effective. The paid alternative that I like is the "Questions" function of SeoZoom.

  2. Read comments and reviews made to you and your competitors: the #1 way to spot doubts, arguments and thoughts that need clarification. Also valid are the questions and answers on Amazon (if you have products).

  3. Ask salespeople and the sales network . Things that are obvious and boring to them (because they have been repeated a thousand times) are usually not so for customers.

Once you've done this, you can continue reading 😀 and discover 4 ways to (get) your content created without writing it yourself.


Currently there is no other talk of optimizing the writing of your content, the use of artificial intelligence as a source of content must be used wisely!

But to give an idea of how Openai's software works and how it works, let's leave the floor to ChatGPT 😂

By asking ChatGPT " write 4 paragraphs on how to use chat gpt to write when you don't have time " we got the following text:

" ChatGPT can be a useful tool for writing when you don't have much time. Here are four possible ways to use it:

Idea Generation:

If you need to write an article, essay, or speech but don't have time to think of an idea, ChatGPT can help you generate ideas in seconds. Simply type in a topic or keyword, and ChatGPT will return a list of possible ideas that you can use as a starting point for your work.

Word Substitution:

When you're typing, it can be hard to find the right word to express a concept. ChatGPT can be used to suggest synonyms or alternative phrases for words you're having trouble finding. This way, you can type faster and more accurately, without having to spend too much time thinking about word choice.

Creating drafts:

If you have little time to write an article or report, you can use ChatGPT to create a basic draft. Simply type in some general ideas or a summary, and ChatGPT can help you fill in the gaps and create a more complete draft in little time. This can be especially useful if you need to produce work quickly, but don't yet have a clear vision of how to organize it.

Grammar check:

Once you have written a text, ChatGPT can be used to check grammar and punctuation. This way, you can correct any typos or syntax errors quickly and effectively, without having to spend too much time proofreading your work. This saves you precious time and avoids any errors that could damage the quality of your work. "

Since we didn't have time 😂 we asked ChatGPT for the following wording:

" write briefly 5 pros and 5 cons in using chatgpt "


" Pros :

  1. ChatGPT is a great resource for generating ideas, finding synonyms, and writing basic drafts.

  2. ChatGPT can help you save time in writing and proofreading texts.

  3. ChatGPT can be used to produce a large amount of content in a short amount of time.

  4. ChatGPT can be useful for those who have difficulty finding the right words or organizing their ideas.

  5. ChatGPT can help you write in foreign languages or technical terms.

Against :

  1. ChatGPT cannot replace the creativity and originality of the author.

  2. ChatGPT may generate incoherent or poorly understandable text.

  3. ChatGPT may produce low-quality content or content containing grammatical and punctuation errors.

  4. ChatGPT could be used to produce plagiarized content.

  5. ChatGPT could be used to spread false or misleading information."

By training ourselves to use artificial intelligence we can decimate the time it takes to write a content in draft form, but it still needs to be optimized in the final phase by a human being.

A human

I know, it's old-fashioned, you have to talk to them, you have to explain what you want and maybe you have to give some directions. But there is a category of professionals who write for a living and who are happy to write for you.

They are called copywriters and if they work well they help you have original content, in the sense that it has not been copied from existing sources but, in the best of cases, expresses an original point of view of the company on a topic.

The downside is that it is objectively an expensive path for a small or medium-sized business and that in any case it requires a bit of interaction with the aforementioned human, sometimes with delays (e.g. you had to send me the sources, the information, etc.)

Pros : quality

Cons : cost

Online portals with shared editorial teams

The professionals in the category above will make the face below, now:

Very often, in fact, to reduce costs but have content with a human touch, it is possible to use online portals where people of all backgrounds (professional and otherwise) are paid on-demand with a cost per article to write for you.

Will you get the top article on the topic you want to cover? Maybe not. But you can get a base to reread and integrate to publish your blog post, your newsletter, your e-book.

An example of these portals is Melascrivi, which also offers another interesting solution based on artificial intelligence đŸ‘‡đŸ»

Pros: Low cost per item

Cons: Difficult (without a real company review) to create original content


The Melascrivi portal has introduced a very interesting artificial intelligence tool, called Melabrain.

It allows you to create these types of content:

... following a wizard that starts from a title/topic and ends up giving you a draft of the final content to work on.

The platform is somewhat advanced, here for example is the sequence of information it asks for to create a Linkedin post:

As you can see, it is possible to give a lot of information to the system to get a relevant suggestion/text.

Pros : very low cost and immediate delivery times

Cons : zero originality


First of all, thank you for reading my conclusions đŸ€“.

My opinion is that all three of the tools listed above can help you create your texts (but also images, social posts, etc.) quickly and at a lower cost than hiring an agency.

We ourselves in many cases use one or all three ways to generate them, and for now I can assure you that the result is satisfactory: leads are obtained, content is positioned, newsletters are read.

I certainly don't know if AI will be sustainable in the long run because it will standardize everything: original and useful content will certainly always be privileged, but let's face it.

Better something "ok" than nothing at all. And you can't help but agree.

And you? Have you already generated content this way? What do you think? Write it in the comments đŸ‘‡đŸ»


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