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What is the MBTI 16 Personality Test?

What is the MBTI 16 Personality Test?

The Myers-Briggs Personality Indicator, abbreviated to MBTI, is a type of psychological test that can determine the types of intelligence that are preferred in use, thanks to the combination of these factors, one's typology is determined.

The meaning of the acronym

The 16 personalities are made up of a combination of 4 variables consisting of 2 variants each:

E or I, S or N, T or F, J or P.

Together they make up acronyms like ISTJ, ESTJ, ISFP, ESFP, INTJ… etc.

But what is the meaning of the acronym and the letters that compose it?

  • Extrovert (E) or Introversion (I)

This variable corresponds to the way the individual recharges and obtains energy, Extroverts (E) prefer socializing while introverts (I) prefer solitude.

  • Sensation (S) or intuition (N):

This dichotomy determines the individual's perception of the world, that is, through the senses or intuition.

  • Feelings (F) or Thought (T):

This variable determines which information is most relevant for making a decision and therefore which decision-making process is to be preferred, whether feelings (S) or logical reasoning (T) are more important.

  • Judging (J) or Perceiving (P):

This dichotomy defines the preferred decision-making process, J personalities will show the preference of the F/T decision-making process, while P personalities will prefer to demonstrate their preference in the S/N way of perceiving the world.

The 16 personalities

INTJ - the strategic one

Thinkers who, thanks to their intuitions, build strategies and systems piece by piece.

INTP - The Scientist

Knowledge-hungry inventors with revolutionary visions.

ENTJ - the commander

People who are practical in making systems and organizations more efficient.

ENTP - the debater

Argumentators driven by an unstoppable search for truth-

INFJ - The Mystic

Conscientious, wise and idealistic people.

INFP - The Diplomat

kind and altruistic personalities always ready to help for an ideal they share.

ENFJ - the hero

Exciting leaders ready to fight for their ideals.

ENFP - The Activist

Carefree and joyful personalities with others

ISTJ - the logistician

Analysts who are practical in respecting the logic of their rules.

ISFJ - The Defender

Selfless people always ready to defend their loved ones.

ESTJ - The Performer

He manages people thanks to his skills as a traditionalist supervisor.

ESFJ - The Jack of All Trades

Caring people always ready to help and get involved.

ISTP - the workshop manager

Personalities with strong manual skills capable of self-management.

ISFP - the artist

Taciturn individuals with magnetic charm and strong morals.

ESTP - The Entrepreneur

People who are not afraid to try risky activities or sports.

ESFP - the showman

Born entertainers, they love spending time in company.

What are cognitive functions?

Cognitive functions are the 8 mental abilities that are used by all human beings, for each of the 16 personalities there is a specific order of preference and ability in using these functions.

The first function is the most used and is also the one that the personality type is best at using, the second acts as a filter with respect to the exuberance of the first. The third corresponds to what we consciously avoid using and often makes us susceptible to possible comments on that lack of ours, the fourth corresponds to our personal aspiration.

The fifth through eighth functions are part of our unconscious and it is best not to use them as we are simply not suited to do so.

The use of one's functions that is considered healthy can be considered in this way where 100% is the full use of one's capacity in everyday life and 1% is almost zero use:

Before: 100%

Second: 80%

Third: 50%

Fourth: 30%

Fifth: 15%

sixth: 10%

seventh: 5%

eighth: 1%

Deviating too far from the natural use of your cognitive functions can lead to several life-approach problems and poor decisions.

What are cognitive functions?

Perceptual cognitive functions:

Yes - introverted feeling

Long-term memory and traditionalism.

If - extroverted feeling

Experiences and living in the here and now, attention to detail.

Ni - Introverted Intuition

identifying connections and laws through the overview.

Ne - Extroverted Intuition

Vision of all future possibilities and consequences, understanding of the intentions of others.

Decision-making cognitive functions:

Fi - Introverted Feeling

High moral and justice sense, ability to understand other people's emotions.

Fe - Extroverted Feeling

Empathy and ability to harmonize others, interest in learning about other people's feelings.

You - Introverted Thinking

Searching for the logic behind things and the consistency of facts.

You - Extroverted Thinking

Research on the functioning of imposing efficiency.

What is the work and psychological application of the 16 personalities?

Understanding these concepts can help you make the best choices for your professional and personal life.

the job application takes place through:

a greater understanding of one's own and others' differences, values and beliefs.

Knowing your strengths and weaknesses also makes you more persuasive and reduces the friction points in an interaction between two individuals.

Additionally, some companies use this test to determine if the candidate is a good fit for the position they are seeking.

The 16 Personalities in Marketing

Understanding that there are different personalities helps improve your brand communication and knowing the pros and cons of your personality improves communication with everyone!

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