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Facebook for your business: 5 mistakes to avoid

Facebook for your business: 5 mistakes to avoid

Social networks are a virtual space frequented by millions of users, a place where it is also possible to exchange opinions on brands and products.

For companies, it is an important marketing tool to make their brand known and influence future purchasing choices.

However, after a careful analysis of the business context of the services and products offered, it is necessary to understand which of the various social platforms to start using to carry out social media marketing activities.

Among these we find, for example, Facebook, which with its 1.13 billion active users every day worldwide and a growth of 17% per year, continues to be the most popular social network, not only by individual users but also by companies seeking new promotional horizons.

Facebook Trends

A company page on this social network is therefore a fundamental element for building loyalty, creating bonds, communicating and receiving feedback. To intercept the company's target audience and transform each visitor into a potential customer.

In this article, we list some of the main mistakes that any brand with a business on Facebook should keep in mind, and try to avoid.

1 – Not having an editorial plan:

After an initial enthusiasm, the page offers little content and does not respond to comments, which, as you can imagine, leaves a completely negative image.

It therefore becomes necessary to have an editorial plan to create a path that arouses interest in readers.

The importance of the editorial plan

The editorial plan is essential for a Facebook page, it can be very detailed or even just an outline, but it allows you to plan the contents with the right frequency and with relevant themes.

You need to understand why you want to promote your brand on that channel, predict the objectives of your communication, identify the brand values, map them and create an editorial calendar with thematic lines.

Populating your content page is an activity that, to bring concrete results, must be carefully planned, according to efficiency and effectiveness criteria, through content that stimulates user involvement. To achieve the set objectives, you need to create the mix that best lends itself to stimulating your fan base.

Another very common mistake is to intervene intermittently on your page

How to post on your Facebook page

Facebook. The result is a page that leaves users high and dry for a week and then publishes dozens of posts for two or three days in a row. This is a great way to drive people away from your page.

Users may find it unpleasant to open the social network in the morning and find the wall clogged with products and offers of all kinds, all shared within a few minutes. You would waste many opportunities and lose your potential customers, people interested in the topic and activities of your company.

2 – Comment moderation:

is a crucial point to address in managing your business Facebook page. The “nature” of this social network offers great opportunities: users can express their appreciation, but also opinions and public criticisms towards your brand.

The importance of moderating comments

The ideal is to always respond in a constructive manner, to transform negative feedback into an opportunity for growth and dialogue, keeping delete/hide as a last option and only for offensive and inappropriate comments.

If they find out that you delete all the criticisms or negative comments, this behavior of yours could have damaging effects on the online reputation of your brand. Censorship is never a good thing, especially if it can attract the ire of users when criticisms of a product are deleted.

The best practice is to always respond with common sense and transparency, taking criticism into consideration so that the product can be improved.

3 – Consider the page as a sales channel:

The page is not a sales channel

Creating a page with the aim of promoting services is not a mistake. However, it is wrong to aim for sales from the first post. Users must be fed with a series of contents, cultivated by providing new information within their reach and related to our world. This is how a dialogue is created, word after word a

relationship, only when the time is right will we think about selling.

One of the most common mistakes made by e-commerce owners is to publish only offers present on the site via direct link and without an introduction that invites the user to open the product sheet.

This is a gross mistake that will not lead to clicks and actions, you will risk that your user hides the news from the wall because it is boring, invasive or not very relevant.

When you publish a post remember to insert a quality image with an adequate text, it will improve interactions.

4 – Write, write, write…

Quality content

Formal language is not useful for communicating with our fans, in fact it could be counterproductive. Let's communicate naturally and simply, remembering that we are communicating with our friends and not with other companies. The content that a company page shares with its fans must offer them value, inform and entertain but still interpret the tone of voice of the company. Choosing the right communication style, both textual and visual, is crucial for the success of a Facebook page. Posts without a presentation image are not even opened, while a content post with a presentation image has a response of up to 200%. Considering that the average viewing time of a video (a much more passive tool than text) is 15 seconds: long texts are not recommended. Pay attention to capital letters, periods, exclamation points, but above all typos.

5 – Don’t invest:

To have visibility according to the strategy and results you want to achieve, you need to allocate a budget to sponsoring posts. An essential investment that does not include the purchase of a fan. Today, interactions are what make a page live, not the number of fans, a value that is rapidly losing importance. Furthermore, a fan base of fake users will hardly be reactive and interested in

Investing on Facebook

page content. the most effective way is therefore to build a fan base over time, proposing content that is truly interested and in line with expectations. It is then necessary to measure the performance of investments on social networks, it is a matter of taking into account exclusively the metric of that specific social network (for example the number of fans of your Facebook page or followers on Instagram), but to measure the conversion metric: it consists of selling starting from what you communicate on the web. The correct measure is and remains sales, direct or indirect. Establish a way to track the expected results and measure them. In this way you will be able to calculate the ROI of your investments on social networks, eliminating or correcting what does not work and strengthening what brings you results.


The tips we have proposed will help us avoid the biggest mistakes that are generally made when using Facebook as a promotional tool.

corporate. Social networks in general have become fundamental elements for any good marketing campaign, but managing them correctly requires commitment and attention.

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