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How to Stand Out in the Local Market: Creating a Website for a Yoga School in Bergamo

website for a local yoga school

In this case study we want to tell you about a website we created for a Yoga school in Bergamo : Yodi asd.

The creation of this website was aimed at promoting the visibility and accessibility of their yoga school located in Mozzo and Lallio, in the province of Bergamo. The site was designed to reflect the serenity and holistic approach of Yodi asd towards yoga, offering a smooth and informative user experience.

The client: Yodi asd

The Yodi asd school is located in Mozzo, in the province of Bergamo, and offers various Yoga courses taught by teachers who are all women. The institute is dedicated to promoting physical and mental well-being through the ancient practices of yoga. Yodi asd offers a variety of courses that are aimed at students of all levels, from Ashtanga yoga to Yin & Yang Yoga, emphasizing a holistic approach to health that integrates body, mind and spirit.

Here you can see the costs and schedules of the lessons.

Vittoria , the owner of Yodi, came to us because she wanted a website that reflected her business, that was easy to navigate, so she could find information immediately, but at the same time elegant like her.

In a constant relationship with the client, we defined together the style, colors and structure of the site with the related pages in order to build a site tailored for Yodi and that Vittoria would like.

The Importance of a Website for a Local Business

For local businesses, having an effective website is more than just a virtual activity; it is a strategic necessity that supports growth and visibility in a nearly digital marketplace.

For a business like Yodi asd, which operates in the wellness sector at a local level, a well-structured website acts as a virtual showcase, allowing potential customers to discover the services offered, class schedules and information about the instructors. In addition, an optimized website improves positioning in local search engines, increasing the chances of attracting visitors looking for specific services in the area, thus turning online users into real customers.

Reasons why a well-designed website is crucial:

  • 24/7 Accessibility : Provides constant access to information on services, hours and contacts.

  • Improve Local Visibility : Improve your local search rankings by attracting potential customers looking for specific yoga services in their area.

  • Business legitimacy : It confers professionalism and credibility, essential elements to stand out from the competition.

  • Ease of Interaction : Offers a direct point of contact for reservations and questions, improving user experience and customer service efficiency.

  • Targeted Marketing : Allows you to implement digital marketing strategies, such as SEO and PPC, as your site pages become the landing pages for your campaigns.

The project

We promise you this: the website was built with Wix and as a Wix marketing partner agency, we recommend the platform over others for several reasons. In this article, we explain why Wix is better than Wordpress.

Analysis and Planning

As with any website, we initially asked for an introductory meeting with Vittoria , to understand what her requests were for this project . Without this first step, you risk creating a site that the client may not like and is not useful for their work. This phase included defining the key features of the site, such as the course sections, timetables, teacher profiles and contact methods as well as the sitemap .

Design and Development of the first graphic draft

Initially, we researched competitor sites to understand how we could differentiate ourselves. Based on the information gathered, we proceeded with the creation of initial drafts, thus creating a wireframe and a mockup that proposed different layout options, color palettes and other graphic details.

The final graphic result after a series of drafts emphasizes the tranquility and zen typical of a Yoga school, with images that capture the essence of this practice inviting you to explore the school.

At this stage it is always important to share the graphic draft with the client so that the site is increasingly modified in accordance with the stylistic preferences and needs of the client.

Yoga school website in Bergamo

Yoga school website in Bergamo

Content Implementation

The next step was to fill the site pages with content .

We worked closely with Yodi asd to draft texts and develop content that accurately reflected their offering and philosophy. Each page was optimised to ensure the best user experience, including ease of navigation and clear information about the various yoga courses offered.

SEO Optimization and Privacy

We also took care of the SEO optimization of the individual pages with all the elements present (such as images, meta tags, meta descriptions, etc.) to position the site and ensure that it is indexed on search engines.

Another important activity concerns the privacy policy and the cookie banner, so that the site could be GDPR compliant. After creating them we then configured them on the website and verified that everything was working.

Site Testing and Launch

Once the desktop part was completed, we then moved on to the mobile version and therefore arranged the graphic elements with a view to mobile size.

Before launching, the site underwent a series of tests to ensure its functionality across devices and browsers, including form filling.

Once we verified that all the features were working correctly, we proceeded to officially publish the site online.


The Yodi asd website is an example of how a well-designed digital platform can help a business' online presence, increasing its visibility and improving customer engagement. Through this project, Yodi asd was able to strengthen its visibility and facilitate access to all the information needed to start or continue a path in the school.

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