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Instagram generations, or how the use of Instagram changes depending on the chronological age

You already know the general rule, and if you don't, you better learn it: on social networks, brands are uninvited guests , who often behave like friends, but it is clear that they are motivated by an ulterior motive.

Among the most popular social media at the moment is Instagram , for these three characteristics:

  1. Still little invasiveness of advertising

  2. Less haters and polemical informational posts (there's simply no room for that)

  3. Ease of use and understanding of the language , composed essentially of a story made of images and videos

To better understand how the platform is used by users, we conducted a triple interview , in which three generations compare their use of the platform, also in relation to its older brother Facebook.

Talking as people, to people

Looking carefully at the video, it is possible to understand how Instagram is a "place" where a one-way attitude from brand to consumer is not effective.

Instagram is a social media where the image itself tells its own existence without filters (well, there are some filters :-))

Maybe by embellishing it, but never by lying or trying to persuade.

And what do you think?


Transcription of the video lyrics:

What is your name and how old are you? My name is Nicole and I'm twenty years old My name is Silvia and I'm thirty years old Andrea thirty-nine years old What do you do? I'm a student I deal with social media I deal with market research Do you use Instagram? Yes yes yes rarely for work or in private? In private both I would say private How many followers do you have? A thousand and something about six hundred I have no idea maybe we don't get to five Who do you follow? I follow my friends brands and musical groups influencer friends brand friends and some photographers Who follows you? Friends and that's it famous people not some brand friends some Bots I think because I have some famous people I don't know a couple of friends who probably opened the account by mistake and she What do you feel when a company or a brand follows you? it depends on the brand in the sense that if it's a brand that I feel like I belong to I'm happy if I don't feel like I belong I almost feel like a potential prey to be able to sell me something I think he wants to sell me something and probably in a week he won't follow me anymore I've never had a brand follow me how much time do you spend on Instagram every day? I think an average of two hours throughout the day to enter and look maybe even without posting anything for private use I often look at it for an hour a day I'd say a quarter of an hour every two weeks when I make an effort what do you use Instagram for compared to Facebook for example? I use Instagram much more than Facebook and I use it to post photos to put Instagram Stories to comment on my friends' photos to follow people I'm interested in I use both Facebook and Instagram I look at my friends' statuses more and these things while Instagram I go to see all the things that might interest me so not only friends but also brands it's much easier for me to reach them with Instagram I don't have a Facebook account I use Instagram to see friends' photos have you ever bought something you saw on Instagram? yes for example costumes shoes and clothes yes me too shoes costumes it is very easy to interact from Instagram so go and see the product maybe there is the extra link and go to the site no I have not bought anything the three Instagram profiles that you prefer? the main sites that I follow the profiles that I follow are the GoPro one a travel site and a site where they sell clothes that I like and I often buy the ones that I look at the most and lately they are Rotten Salad Alice Basso and Dario Vignali the Triumph motorcycles profile means the Fender profile so guitars and the Yamaha profile so always motorcycles do you send messages on Instagram to your friends? it depends if it is an important message I use What'sApp if I have to comment maybe on an Instagram Stories or send them something that concerns Instagram I contact them directly by Instagram message yes I use them to comment on the Stories or when I see a Post and I want to gossip with my friend about that post I send it to her privately can you send messages with Instagram? What do you think of Instagram? In my opinion Instagram is a positive thing, it's a way to share photos, share videos, know where certain people are, maybe where they've been, get inspiration, but at the same time I also think that if a person really likes what they do, it doesn't necessarily mean they have to share it with others, have to let everyone know what you do, but every day we publish photos to let everyone know what we do, how fantastic our life is through social media and Instagram.

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