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Video Marketing and SMEs: Pill No.1

Video Marketing and SMEs: Pill No.1

Our marketing blog is enriched with a new information tool: " Marketing Pills ", that is, interviews and insights thanks to the contribution of industry experts who explain the tricks and their experience for marketing activities in SMEs.

Video Marketing: The Future of Digital Communication is Here

Anyone who works in marketing and communications has already noticed how videos are becoming a predominant communication tool in web marketing activities: it is in fact expected that 90% of web traffic will be video, starting from 2017 .

However, in a small and medium-sized business there is often the belief that doing video marketing is not necessary, or is too tiring. Questions arise such as "What can I make the video about?", "How do I distribute it online", "Do I just need a cell phone to shoot it"?

This is how the mini series on video marketing for SMEs was born

Hence the idea of interviewing Eng. Claudio Delaini, of Macchinario Sicuro , who, thanks to video marketing, has given a boost to the marketing of his PMI, specialized in CE consultancy.

Its scope is very technical, and B2B, and video marketing has proven to be a great tool for generating leads .

Find out how video marketing is done

Every Wednesday we will publish on our Facebook Page Hangler Marketing Advisor a pill of his experience with video marketing to give, to those who want to follow the series, practical advice on how to start doing web marketing with videos.

Here is the introduction of the protagonist of the series:

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