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Brand Launch: Web Marketing Project for Ferramo

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Brand Launch: Web Marketing Project for Ferramo

Brand Launch

This project tells of a situation that happens to us very often, that is, making yourself known thanks to Web Marketing and positioning yourself in a way that differentiates you from a consolidated competition, with the aim of achieving well-defined objectives.

This has also happened for Ferramo , a company that creates new solutions with a great stylistic impact, aimed at making living spaces protagonists. The mission is to provide Made in Italy products to enhance and give concreteness to the furnishing projects of each individual customer.

We were then contacted by the Founder, Pietro Signorelli, to discuss the project and to fully understand the values that this reality brings with it.

branding and new logo

The first fundamental point we addressed, which is the basis of the entire strategy, was to define the strategic positioning.

For this reason, we have opted for a new naming .

We have collected all the information necessary to create proposals in line with Ferramo's mission and vision.

The term Ferramo, in fact, recalls in its simplicity several key elements on which the company's core business is based, including:

  • A reference to Made in Italy excellence and manufacturing materials

  • A reminder of Ancient Rome through Latin

  • Recall the French terms of the materials

After finally falling in love with the name we chose, we focused on aligning the new name with a logo that represented everything listed above.

We then created an online competition to create it, so that we could get graphic proposals from designers around the world.

You can find the result here on the side.

Keyword research and website creation

After completing these fundamental steps, we focused on creating the Website , an indispensable asset in Digital Marketing.

Before getting our hands dirty, we did some keyword research (if you don't know what it is, I suggest you read this article ) to better understand what users search for on search engines to get to the final result, that is, finding the products that Ferramo offers.

This allowed us to create a well-defined structure, so as to facilitate indexing.

The need was to create a website with Wix to have an excellent cost-effectiveness ratio.

The advantage of this platform is undoubtedly its versatility , which allows you to make quick decisions and just as quickly transform them into actions, applying the changes in a short time.

The ability to create dynamic pages also allowed us to speed up the creation of product portfolio pages.

the development of the project

You should know that in our Agency we have adopted the Connection Funnel method , which has allowed us to have a clearer and more well-defined vision of the activities to undertake.

Going into detail in these first months of collaboration, we started to increase the brand awareness through the use of Facebook Ads, stimulating the interest of profiled people.

With Google Ads Campaigns, we covered the commercial demand of users to generate targeted contacts interested in Ferramo products.

These are just some of the actions we have decided to undertake to generate leads: the first results of our activity are encouraging and confirm that the proposed strategy has met the needs of the end customers.

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