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Creating a Website with Wix: Adele Martelli's Project

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Creating a Website with Wix: Adele Martelli's Project


The project in question deals with a situation that arises very often during life in the Agency, that is, the one relating to the creation of a Wix Website for a Small to Medium Business , which (obviously) needs to have its own website, but at an affordable cost.

One of the latest we created is for Adele Martelli , a well-known Product Designer and Creative Director.

The premise is common to many projects we follow: making yourself known thanks to Digital Marketing and positioning yourself in a way that differentiates you from established competition.

website structure

SEO, graphic rendering and website speed.

Over the years, the Wix platform has received some mixed reviews and many think that the CMS limits some aspects of a small or medium enterprise's web marketing.

However, thanks to our experience, we can say without any doubt that these "limitations" are not found in the use of the site by a PMI or a Freelancer.

On the contrary, the main advantage of Wix is undoubtedly its versatility , which allows you to make quick decisions and just as quickly transform them into actions, applying changes to the website.

We have also implemented the multilingual version , inserting the contents also in English.

In any case, the aspect that most influences the effectiveness of a website is undoubtedly its structure.

keyword research

In order to create a well-defined structure, we started with a brief from Adele, who told us in detail all the facets of her professional role and the related services she offers.

This allowed us to conduct a keyword research that revolves around the orbit of Freelancer.

Thanks to Keyword Research we were able to fully understand what users search for on search engines to get to the final result, that is, finding that specific job profile.

This phase allowed us to create a website already optimised for SEO .

the result

This project is an explanatory of our strategic approach to Web Marketing for a Small and Medium Business, or a Freelancer: studying the needs and strategy a priori , before the tools (how to create a Wix site), and during the operational and implementation phase using tools that are accessible to the business and economically sustainable over time.

The final result is below: what do you think?

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