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Creating a Wix Site Strategically: The Project for Erika Ongaro

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Creating a Wix Site Strategically: The Project for Erika Ongaro

Create a website in wix for Erika Ongaro

March 2018

This project tells of a situation that happens to us very often, that is, creating a Wix site for a small or medium-sized business , which (obviously) needs to have its own website, but at an affordable cost.

One of the latest wix websites we created is that of Erika Ongaro , an expert and trainer on the Validation Method.

The project (of which the website was only a result, but not the main object) was financed thanks to Bergamo Sviluppo , a special company of the Bergamo Chamber of Commerce.

The premise is common to many start-ups, that is, making themselves known through web marketing and positioning themselves in a way that differentiates them from established competition .

focus study

For this reason, web marketing consultancy has first of all developed on the search for differentiating elements compared to direct competition, identifying in agreement with the Client:

  • Aspects and additions to the main training method

  • An editorial plan and contents for lead generation activities

  • A graphic design consistent with the personality of the trainer and with the prevalent colors in the dementia care sector

website structure and main menu

Many people think that the Wix CMS (Content Management System, or website content management platform) limits some aspects of a small or medium enterprise's web marketing, such as graphic design, website speed, or SEO.

However, from our experience (as also demonstrated by the Sorelle Milesi case study), these "limits" are not found in the use of the site by an SME.

In fact, Wix's versatility is literally adored by those who need to be able to make quick decisions and just as quickly transform them into actions and changes on the website.

In any case, the aspect that most influences (as always) the effectiveness of a website (Wix included) is the structure of the website , and the choice of items in the main menu (naming included).

It is precisely this aspect that has allowed us to create a website that is already SEO-optimized and designed to encourage requests for information, but above all, enrollment in courses.

A note on site speed (essential to avoid bouncing users and to be in the top positions on Google): Erika Ongaro's site is rated 97/100 by Google for desktop speed, and 95 for mobile. Not bad!

pagespeed insights data

event management

We chose a Wix website also for the presence of APPs (often free) for managing different and varied aspects of web marketing .

In this particular case the site is integrated with Wix Events, a free APP for managing event bookings from your website, including online payment by participants (with Paypal or Stripe for credit cards)

Project Results

This project is an example of our approach to web marketing and strategic marketing for a small or medium-sized business: studying the strategy beforehand , before the tools (how to create a Wix site), and during the operational and implementation phase using tools that are accessible to the business and economically sustainable over time.

A further tangible result was the creation of the brand identity, consistently declined also on the web.

Recommended readings

- How to advertise a website

- Data on web marketing in Italy

- Is it possible to create a free website?

Erika Ongaro business card

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