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Creating Targeted Leads Using Linkedin Ads and the Bot

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Creating Targeted Leads Using Linkedin Ads and the Bot

Creating Targeted Leads Using Linkedin Ads and the Bot

With over 650 million users worldwide and more than 12 million registered users in Italy, LinkedIn is not only a perfect tool for expanding and cultivating your Personal Brand and professional network, but also an excellent ally for Lead Generation.

As a testimony to what has been said above, today we bring you a project created for the collection of profiled leads through Linkedin .

Now let's go into the details of the client typology, the applied strategy and finally the results.

the customer

ISOFAIDATE is an online sales service for ISO forms created with the aim of helping companies to self-prepare for ISO certification, or useful for certifiers to quickly find updated documentation. The customer's need was precisely to increase the number of targeted leads to establish a relationship and contact, through various digital marketing activities, including Linkedin.

Linkedin Ads and Linkedin Bot

So here we are at the heart of this Case Study.

In addition to the organic activity of disseminating the contents of the editorial plan, aimed at increasing interactions with the company page and personal profiles, we decided to use the Ads and Bot part to generate new contacts.

On the Advertising side, we created a " Lead Generation " Campaign using a low-friction document as a lead magnet, which can be applied immediately in the company. Specifically, with the help of the client, we created a checklist relating to the implementation of the ISO 45001 Standard.

With the Linkedin Bot (if you don't know what it is and how it works, I suggest you read this article ) instead we acted differently.

In a first phase we used the tool to expand the connections in target of Valerio, the Founder of ISOFAIDATE . Later we integrated it to the Adv part : we asked for direct feedback to all those who had downloaded the checklist, and then offered them a personalized discount code.

We also used the Linkedin Bot to generate subscribers to the first Free Webinar. Through the graphic interface it is in fact very simple to segment the audience you want to "hit" into lists.

the results obtained

About a year after using Linkedin in the Web Marketing strategy, the results are satisfactory (more than 200 contacts). Below you will find a small overview of the results obtained and the target leads generated.

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