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Restyling of company logo and website for Sara Dalle Pezze

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Restyling of company logo and website for Sara Dalle Pezze

Restyling of company logo and website for Sara Dalle Pezze

June 2017

One of the recurring difficulties in real marketing is to differentiate your company from the competition. Distinctiveness is in fact the queen characteristic that distinguishes the most successful marketing projects.

However, if in many cases diversity is based only on communication choices, in the case of the project created for coach Sara Dalle Pezze we simply had to valorize a unique method of its kind, and tell it in the best possible way.

building the brand starting from the company logo

The first step was to propose a revision of the company pay-off that would enhance the use of drawings, sketches and post-its in business coaching. Among the proposals created, the phrase " Company Design Coaching " was chosen, which combines the coaching activity with the key concepts of company (differentiating itself from personal coaching) and design, enhancing Sara Dalle Pezze's background.

the redesign of the logo

Starting from existing fonts and logos, several logo variations were created, also thanks to the contribution of crowd designers from all over the world, to find a symbol that spoke of design, creativity and rigor at the same time.

The result was a square cut by a blade of ochre-colored light, which also functioned as a drawcard in the implementation of the new website.

website creation

Once the key elements of communication had been created, we moved on to the creation of the new website : as always in the agency, we start by defining the structure and the wireframe (i.e. the hand-drawn design of the homepage and internal page modules).

Also for the website we coordinated the creation of the photographic shots that portray Sara Dalle Pezze in her working life, supporting in the choice of style in relation to the desired online communication.

In support of the project carried out, it is worth mentioning the great copywriting work done by Roberta Osso.

Once these important elements were approved, we also chose the Wix platform in this case, due to its excellent SEO performance and the ease of autonomous maintenance by the customer.

Results obtained

To see the overall result of the brand creation project, just take a look at the website of this emerging company design coach from Verona.

Recommended readings

- Brochure Restyling for Mornico Legnami

- New Dedicare website

Sara From The Pieces

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